Corporate Giving

Support the Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66

Corporate Giving

Corporate giving is critical for the success of our Raise 6.6 Capital Campaign that is currently underway. Ongoing operational support from our corporate partners is also vital to the Illinois Rock & Roll Museum’s growth and success. Unrestricted operating gifts allows us to advance our music education programs and provide for development of exhibitions and public programs.


Exhibition sponsorship provides companies with the highest level of visibility and the closest association with the Museum. We also offer sponsorship opportunities for Programs and Events that include multiple options for donor recognition on-site and through our other distribution channels. As a sponsor, you will receive a customized benefits package that may include:

  • Inclusion in the highly visible exhibition advertising and marketing campaign
  • Logo credit on exhibition print and promotional materials, and website
  • Invitations to VIP events

Foundation & Memorial Giving

Grants from charitable foundations, trusts, community, and private foundations are essential to maintain our educational and community development initiatives. A memorial gift offers you a thoughtful way to affirm the Mission of the Museum, but also recognize that these values were shared by the individual being honored.

For more information and upcoming opportunities, please contact [email protected]

Get ready to rock Illinois!

We're on our way...

The Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66 has purchased a three story building in downtown Joliet, IL that is undergoing renovation. The building will include exhibit space, a performance music hall and the Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66 Music Hall of Fame, gift shop, and is the home of our Road To Rock Radio online streaming radio station. All of this is made possible through museum memberships, private and corporate sponsors, and donors and grants.

Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66

Capital Campaign

Support our mission by donating

Become a Corporate Donor

Your financial support is vital to bringing our vision for the Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66 to life.

Connect with us and see how we can work together to showcase the phenomenal history of Illinois music, artists, and innovation.

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Hall of Fame to be Rescheduled

2024 & 2025 Hall of Fame Ceremony re-scheduled for Sunday, September 14th, 2025.  At the Rialto Square Theatre in Joliet, IL. Buy Tickets HERE!