Pezband is a critically-acclaimed American band formed in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park, Illinois known for its melodic but muscular songs and the distinctive vocals of lead singer Mimi Betinis.
The ensemble began in the fall of 1971 when four Oak Park musicians teamed up to jam on covers of songs by The Yardbirds, Kinks and Peter Green-era Fleetwood Mac. The original lineup consisted of Mimi Betinis (guitar and lead vocals), Mick Rain (drums and vocals), John Pazdan (guitar, piano and vocals), and Mike Gorman (bass and vocals).
Pezband has shared the stage with Blondie, Fleetwood Mac, Supertramp, The Ramones, KISS, Cheap Trick, The Police, AC/DC, and Wishbone Ash, among others.
Pezband’s sound recalls classic British Invasion era bands like the Beatles, the Who, Jeff Beck, Yardbirds, and Peter Green-era Fleetwood Mac fused with a New Wave sensibility (Cars, Jam, Blondie, Knack).